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Mine countermeasures

Mine detection currently involves the use of autonomous systems (AUV) to indicate their presence and to neutralize their threat. Sercel contributes to the supply a variety of acoustic equipment.

  • mines countermeasures

      There are numerous countermeasure concerns, such as the protection of commercial routes near coastal areas. The market trend is oriented towards autonomous navigation systems. These demining solutions can be equipped with high-performance, discreet, and secure acoustic communication systems, such as MATS3G that enables decision autonomy.

      mines countermeasures


    • mines countermeasures
    • One of our core businesses has been supplying bespoke equipment for the undersea security and defense markets for over 30 years.

      Our expertise ranges from an extensive and advanced knowledge base in underwater acoustics, including, for example, sensors for mine explosion validation.

      Sercel provides the French and English navies with an acoustic communication solution for their mines countermeasures (MCM) program with the MATS3G system.

      As a major player in underwater acoustic communications, adapted to the needs of the defense, Sercel stands out for its ability to provide long-range acoustic solutions usable in harsh environment , using covert communication.


      Underwater Images transmission

      TRIDENT from Sercel is a string of four hydrophones that improves the high-data-rate communication in horizontal channels (shallow water) and in noisy environments. Trident manages the processing of multipath spreading for an improved signal-to-noise ratio. Signal-to-noise improvement: 6dB

      VITAC from Sercel  is a software module that improves and facilitates images transmission. Even if transmission errors occur, VITAC ensures that transmitted images can still be visualized. Typical compression rate: 20 (24-bit image).


      Minimize environmental impact of mine explosions.

      What's the consequence on marine mammals of a mine explosion ? 

      Our goal is to provide our customers with the resources required to detect in real-time the presence of marine mammals in the area of all potential explosives. Safety for all – including marine life and human life is a constant priority at Sercel.