
vibrator electronics

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  • VE464
    • Overview


      The VE464 benefits from the latest developments in integration, radio transmission and servocontrol, allowing easier implementation of vibroseis seismic than ever before.



    • VE464
    • The proven VE464 performs exceptionally, even for advanced types of acquisition. Used in conjunction with the 428XL or 508XT acquisition system, the VE464 is a key component in achieving a very high level of productivity.

      Key Benefits


      • Standard and Dedicated Sweeps


      • GPS Guidance


      • TDMA Radio
    • VE464
    • Download

      Category Name Language Publication Size Download
      Technical paper Developments in vibrator control (EN) English 1019.32 KB pdf
      Technical paper How technology drives high-productivity vibroseis: a historical perspective (EN) English 789.36 KB pdf
      Technical paper Low-frequency Vibroseis: current achievements and the road ahead? (EN) English 2.56 MB pdf
      Technical paper Optimizing the Generation and QC of Low-Dwell Sweeps (EN) English 1.56 MB pdf
      Technical paper Practical solutions for effective vibrator high-frequency generation (EN) English 830.18 KB pdf
      Technical paper SmartLF for robust and straightforward reduction of low-frequency distortion (EN) English 753.04 KB pdf
      Technical paper Vibroseis equipment for efficient low-frequency generation and high-productivity operations (EN) English 4.31 MB pdf
      Technical paper Mastering the highest Vibroseis productivity while preserving seismic data quality (EN) English 5.64 MB pdf
      Technical paper Want to get rid of distortion? (EN) English 823.71 KB pdf
      Brochure VE464 Brochure (EN) English 1.99 MB pdf
      Specifications VE464 Specifications (EN) English 85.42 KB pdf
      Technical paper Impact of the use of low-frequency heavy vibrators on crew productivity (EN) English 418.5 KB pdf