Resources center

159 publications
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Repair capabilities by service center (EN)

Repair capabilities by service center in a pdf.

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Repair live use (EN)

Repair Live is a dedicated SERCEL web tool that allows customers 2 Main functions: ‘Submit REF’ and ‘Your RMA’...

  • Others
Certificat ISO 14001 Sercel (FR)

Conception, fabrication et vente d'équipements mécaniques et électromécaniques pour les domaines de la géophysique et de la défense

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Politique ESG Sercel 2023 (FR)

Parmi les préoccupations soulevées concernant le rôle des entreprises dans le changement environnemental...

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ESG Policy Sercel 2023 (EN)

Among raising concerns regarding the role of corporations in the environmental change...

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Politique HSE Sercel 2023 (FR)

Cette politique décrit de manière générale nos engagements en matière d’Hygiène, de Sécurité et d’Environnement (HSE).

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HSE Policy Sercel 2023 (EN)

This policy broadly outlines our commitments to Health, Safety, Environment (HSE)...

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Environment energy policy Sercel 2023

In line with our HSE and ESG policies already established within the CGG group, and also with our CSR Strategy...

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Politique environnement et énergie Sercel 2023

Conformément à nos politiques HSE et ESG déjà établies au sein du groupe CGG, ainsi qu'à notre stratégie RSE...

  • Others
Politique environnement

In line with our HSE and ESG policies already established within the CGG group, and also with our CSR Strategy...

  • Abstract
Optimization of hybrid surveys with drop & pop nodes: an innovative approach (EN)

Recent advances in marine seismic processing are increasingly supporting the use of sparse OBN in conjunction with low-frequency sources in...

  • Technical paper
Mastering the highest Vibroseis productivity while preserving seismic data quality (EN)

Nicolas Tellier, Gilles Ollivrin, Stéphane Laroche and Christophe Donval introduce a novel Ultra High-Productivity...