
ocean bottom seismometer

Read our brochure

  • MicrOBS
    • Overview


      MicrOBS is an ocean bottom node solution for seismic refraction and reflection surveys.

      With the MicrOBS range of seismometer, Sercel provides a seabed monitoring solution capable of operating at a depth of up to 6,000 m with a data recording duration of up to 180 days.

      microbs launching at sea


    • microbs launching scheme
    • MicrOBS range : 

      • MicrOBS, equipped with 3 geophones and 1 hydrophone with an autonomy duration of 60 days.
      • MicrOBS Long Life equipped with 3 geophones and 1 hydrophone with an autonomy duration of 180 days.
      • MicrOBS NT: equipped with 3 accelerometer ultra-low noise MEMS, autonomy duration : 45 days.

      MicrOBS is ideally suited for hybrid surveys when used in combination with seismic streamers or for sparse OBN surveys.

      Watch our video

      Key Benefits


      • Free fall node
      • Self popup


      • High sensitivity & digital fidelity
      • Omni-tilt recording


      • Operation monitoring environment
      • Proven reliability

      Visit our dedicated market pages : 

      Earth & Oceans monitoring

      Defense - Surveillance

    • microbs down the seabed
    • Download

      Category Name Language Publication Size Download
      Brochure MicrOBS Nodal Brochure (EN) English 312.53 KB pdf
      Specifications MicrOBS Family Specifications (EN) English 42.83 KB pdf
      Technical paper Want to get rid of distortion? (EN) English 823.71 KB pdf
      Abstract Optimization of hybrid surveys with drop & pop nodes: an innovative approach (EN) English 261.38 KB pdf
      Technical paper Sercel True Broadband: 8-Octave Capability (EN) English 2.04 MB pdf
      Brochure QuietSeis - OBN GPR MicrOBS Brochure (EN) English 357.91 KB pdf
      Brochure MicrOBS Brochure (EN) English 349.45 KB pdf