Covering an area of some 1,000 square kilometers and more than 100,000 vibration points (VPs) in total, this uniquely complex 3D vibroseis survey was planned to span two winter seasons. The work was carried out in the harsh climatic conditions of the arctic region and encompassed an area of tundra covered by significant LNG production infrastructure (roads, communications, pipelines, etc.).
In order to meet the project’s ambitious objectives, the seismic crew was equipped with all new Sercel equipment : a 27,000 channel 508XT land acquisition system, and ten Nomad 65 Neo vibrators equipped with VE464 vibrator electronics. The use of Sercel equipment in conjunction with the high-production slip-sweep seismic method yielded impressive results in terms of efficiency, data quality, and safety. Within the first three months of this winter season alone the seismic crew was able to acquire over 500 square kilometers (more than 50,000 VPs), while the maximum daily production achieved exceeded 1,500 VPs; a considerable achievement given the very challenging operating conditions.
Worthy of mention is that Sercel’s new licensed technology, Smart LF, was in use for the first time on a Russian seismic survey. This firmware solution, which is embedded in the VE464 vibrator electronics, significantly reduces the distortion produced by vibrators at low sweep frequencies. Its effectiveness was noted by both the crew’s independent technical supervisor and the customer, who will recommend it for all their future seismic surveys.