Bedrock localization with deep imaging up to 500 ft/152m

  • Geophyscal Engineering Monitoring

    Map bedrock depth confirmation after drilling campaign.

    Bedrock depth was not found by drilling as probably to deep.

  • Infrastructure monitoring

    To secure what will be done, a deep imaging results up to 500 ft/152 m has been realized.

    • Deployments of ultra dense accelerometers array
    • Specific processing of low frequencies

    Blue Line 1 : 300 ft/91 m lenght ,  100 sensors, 3 ft/90 cm spacing

    Green line 2 : 100 ft/30 m lenght, 100 sensors,  1 ft/30 cm spacing

  • GEM S-scan

    1. Results show shear wave velocity versus depth up to 200 ft/61 m are consistent between Lines 1 and 2
    2. The results show that there exists deep silt deposit, relatively uniform up to 200 ft/61 m 
    3. Finally the bedrock is deeper than expected and not accessible by drilling or too expensive by this method.
    4. Bedrock position is 220ft/67 m deep.


  • SHM