News and events

122 News & Events
  • wing dry land
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • News release
    Major Sale of WiNG System for Energy Transition Surveys
    Sercel is pleased to announce the sale of a 15,000 channel WiNG system to Smart Seismic Solutions (S3), a...
  • geocomp, s-lynks
    • News
    • Infrastructure monitoring
    • News release
    Sercel Acquires Geocomp, a Provider of Infrastructure Monitoring
    Sercel announced today that is has acquired Geocomp Corporation, specialized in high-value services and products for...
  • lagnieu bridge
    • News
    • Infrastructure monitoring
    • News release
    First installation of S-lynks monitoring solution!
    Sercel recently carried out the first permanent installation of the S-lynks monitoring solution on the Lagnieu...
  • sismique survey
    • News
    • Energy transition
    • News release
    A large-scale seismic survey for geothermal energy
    Geothermal energy is a reliable (non-intermittent) renewable energy, with low greenhouse gas emissions, which can be...
  • wing dry land
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • News release
    Quality in any language
    Our WiNG land nodal solution is changing the game for operators all over the globe. For over 60 years...
  • mine, wing
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • News release
    WiNG Nodes Deployed at Africa’s Premier Copper Mine
    Sercel is pleased to announce that its state-of-the-art WiNG land acquisition nodes are making a key contribution to...
  • wing dry land
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • News release
    The benefits of wireless QC monitoring
    Our innovative WiNG land nodal solution provides wireless QC monitoring to ensure your land projects acquire data as...
  • Nomad dry land sand
    • News
    • Natural resources
    • Article
    xDSS - Mastering the highest Vibroseis productivity
    Nicolas Tellier, Gilles Ollivrin, Stéphane Laroche and Christophe Donval introduce a novel Ultra High-Productivity...
  • infrastructure monitoring
    • News
    • Infrastructure monitoring
    • News release
    Partnering Across Industries to Protect Infrastructure
    The sudden collapses of the Morandi bridge in Genoa, Italy in 2018 and the condo complex in Miami, Florida earlier...